To the Daughter of The King
We recently found a letter
pinned to a dress at Dresstravaganza that was addressed as: To the Daughter of The King. The phrase has been bouncing around my head
for several weeks and today I decided it was meant to be a jumping off point to
a blog or an article or a bible study meant for young women ages 18-25 or so, those
impacted and cherished by Dresstravaganza.
So here it goes and lets see where God takes it.
So, what does it mean to be a
daughter of The King? How? When do I get my crown? Do I have to move to another country? It all sounds kind of crazy, right? Well, it isn’t referring to some far off and
exotic land . . . bummer! Well, not
really. It is actually WAY more amazing
and greater than that! The reference is
to God being the King of Kings and that he loves you and accepts you just the
way you are. He knows everything about
you and still is proud to call you his daughter. Since he created all living things, you are
his child and by this, the daughter of The King of Kings. That is pretty awesome, if you ask me.
Let’s look at it this
way. In the Bible (John 15:16), Jesus is
teaching his disciples (his twelve closest friends). This is what he says to them.
John 15:16
The Message (MSG)
16 “You didn’t choose me,
remember; I chose you, and put you in the world to bear fruit, fruit that won’t
spoil. As fruit bearers, whatever you ask the Father in relation to me, he
gives you.
Alright?!?! Cool I guess, but I’m not one of Jesus’
closest friends! Why would he care about
me enough to call me his daughter? In
Psalms 139: 13-17 this is what it says:
Psalm 139:13-17
Contemporary English Version (CEV)
13 You
are the one
who put me together
inside my mother’s body,
14 and I praise you
because of
the wonderful way
you created me.
Everything you do is marvelous!
Of this I have no doubt.
who put me together
inside my mother’s body,
14 and I praise you
because of
the wonderful way
you created me.
Everything you do is marvelous!
Of this I have no doubt.
15 Nothing
about me
is hidden from you!
I was secretly woven together
deep in the earth below,
16 but with your own eyes
you saw
my body being formed.
Even before I was born,
you had written in your book
everything I would do.
is hidden from you!
I was secretly woven together
deep in the earth below,
16 but with your own eyes
you saw
my body being formed.
Even before I was born,
you had written in your book
everything I would do.
17 Your
thoughts are far beyond
my understanding,
much more than I
could ever imagine.
my understanding,
much more than I
could ever imagine.
It even says in Matthew 10:30 that he knows the
number of hairs on our head! That’s
amazing! What if we looked at this from
a different perspective? What if God
were to write us a letter, a letter that would explain our princess role as
seen through his eyes? I think it might
go something like this:
To my
I want you to know how beautiful you
are to me. I adore you! You are not a pretend princess, my
child. You are the real deal and I am
your God, THE KING of Kings. I chose you
before you were even born. I carefully
chose the color of your eyes and the highlights in your hair. I care about you so much that I even know
exactly how many hairs are on your head.
Don’t ever try to be someone else, you are prefect just being you. You are special and I have chosen you to do
great things. I have amazing plans for
you now and in years to come. If you
read my words everyday, I will teach you all you need to know about living as a
daughter of THE King.
you so much!
King and Father in Heaven
Pretty cool, in my opinion. So what does it mean to you to be a daughter
of the king? Do you have questions or
doubts or do you want more information about claiming your royal throne? We would love to talk with you and pray with
you! Feel free to get ahold of us!
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